After completing my
self portrait, I left the classroom to get photos in different light than in the classroom. They didn't turn out so well... Actually, if my grade didn't depend on it, I probably wouldn't have shared them at all. But taking them out after leaving them in my binder for a week, I realized that they don't look as bad as I'd thought. No, they aren't perfect. They aren't even identifiable! But they are rather... Abstract. Yes, that word fits them perfectly.
Well, here they are...
In case you really can't tell, it's the front of the school taken from the inside of the building.
And here are the negatives. They look even more abstract. It was the negatives that made me feel like a failure, but once I fixed them up, they were fine.
No, I have no idea what that swooshy thing is... But it looks cool.
See those black spots there? I didn't know what those were until I inverted. They're reflections of the lights. And I'd thought I'd just done a really bad job! Fascinating how that works...
Please don't laugh at my insanity (or my pictures). Just comment.
Come on guys, I shouldn't have to bribe you.