Monday, May 23, 2011

Just Some Links

Hey, just checking in!

I've been a bit uninspired lately in the way of picture taking. The weather has been sort of unpredictable this past weekend. Sunny one moment, raining the next.

So I was doing research on cameras. In case you haven't heard, I really want to upgrade. My little pink point-and-shoot has served me well, but I think I'm ready to move up in the world of photography. I want a camera that will actually focus on the subject, and not just the background. Seriously... I'll take a picture of, say, a flower on my close-up setting and everything- seriously, everything, will be in perfect, crisp focus- except for the flower. I want a camera where I can actually control the focus. And the aperture, shutter speed, etc.

I take that back- I want a digital camera where I can actually control the focus, and the aperture, and the shutter speed, etc.

So anyway, I also came across some stunning photography.

And that's what I'm here to post about.

Seriously, check out these links!

Maybe one day I'll take pictures like those...

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