Saturday, December 24, 2011

Guess What?

You remember the Homes and Gardens photo contest I entered a few months ago?

One of my submissions is a runner up!

Bug on a Fern

 And this one was also in there:

Now isn't that exciting?


  1. Congratulations! This is most excellent!

  2. I think yours shoulda won, honestly..... :]

  3. Oh no, there were many wonderful photos that were more... Artistic than mine. Besides, when I took this picture I only did it because my cousin thought it would be neat. Maybe if I had invested more in it I could have won. But still, out of those 900+ photos, I got runner up and that's really cool.


The only way to improve is to get feedback. The only way to get feedback is through comments. See where I'm going here? Comment. Please.